Family Business

Agrícola Schweigert S.A is a family-owned agro-exporter company from Paraguay dedicated to the production, processing and export of non-traditional grains.

We sell quality, reliability and professionalism, offering organic and conventional seeds of the highest standards at a competitive price. What is clearly demonstrated in the long lasting relationship we build with our customers.

Our Fields

We are a clearly differentiated company because we produce our own raw materials on our own fields: more than 3,000 hectares – 2,000 certified as organic – located in several regions of Paraguay: San Pedro, Chaco, and Canindeyú reducing weather-related risks.

We support the whole process of crop development, from sewing to exporting. Supervising and analyzing all the critical points of the process through internal control procedures and external quality, achieving complete traceability of each batch.

Our Facilities

The company has two modern processing plants, located in Colonia Manitoba, Tacuati district department of San Pedro. Both are designed to keep each processing step separated and consist of two raw material tanks and pipe silos with assisted ventilation - which allows control of temperature levels and grain humidity, a storage capacity of 450 tons and two large finished product warehouses. The processing area has dust extractors and is fully insulated with anti-aphid curtains. It also has metal detectors, laboratory, administrative office, scales and all necessary equipment to ensure the safety of our products. The plants are certified under the NOP, EU and JAS organic standards, plus Kosher and BRC (British Retail Consortium Standards).

Our Facilities

The company has two modern processing plants, located in Colonia Manitoba, Tacuati district department of San Pedro. Both are designed to keep each processing step separated and consist of two raw material tanks and pipe silos with assisted ventilation - which allows control of temperature levels and grain humidity, a storage capacity of 450 tons and two large finished product warehouses. The processing area has dust extractors and is fully insulated with anti-aphid curtains. It also has metal detectors, laboratory, administrative office, scales and all necessary equipment to ensure the safety of our products. The plants are certified under the NOP, EU and JAS organic standards, plus Kosher and BRC (British Retail Consortium Standards).

Our Products

Organic Black Chia Seeds
Conventional Black Chia Seeds

Specifications of our seeds
Purity: 99.95% Min.
Moisture: 8% Max.
Packaging: Polypropylene laminated plastic 25kg bags or kraft multiwall paper

Chia seeds

Salvia Hispanica, commonly known as Chia, is a species of flowering plant in the mint family, native to southern Mexico, currently it is recognized worldwide for its nutritional values blanketed and considered a SUPER FOOD.

Nutritional components

Chia seed holds a nutritional composition of great interest to anyone who cares for their health and nutrition: 20% of vegetable protein, 25% soluble fiber and 40% oil, among other nutrients. In the specific case of oil, 64% of it consists of essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6, both commissioned to help improve our metabolism, alongside that keep our cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and grant a cardio protective effect. In addition, chia seed is rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese and zinc, and contains very little sodium.

Benefits of Chia consumption

  • Chia has no taste or smell, and does not alter the taste of your food so that you can mix everything.
  • It has no gluten in their chemical composition so it is ideal for feeding celiac patients.
  • Nutritionally is a source of Omega 3
  • One of the most complete sources of protein from vegetal origin, and also one of the richest.
  • It gives the body energy, strength and resistance.
  • Reduces the risk of type 2 of diabetes
  • Used for weight loss and obesity, it has a satisfying effect. It can be consumed with other foods or on its own.
  • Help provide intestinal regularity
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Laxative.
  • Helps control cholesterol levels.
  • Reduce the levels of triglycerides.
  • It contains soluble fiber, natural antioxidants.
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Lowers dermatitis.


Organic certification European Union (EU), United States (NOP)

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